Thursday, August 31, 2006

Asgard II

It was an awesome trip starting off in Antwerp, visiting Bruge, Weymouth, Dartmouth and finishing in Falmouth.
The flight out was from London city airport, and had some really good views over London, and once you had checked your bags in, you could sit outside by the docks, getting some fresh air. It was a great change from the hastle of Heathrow
In the evening went and found the festivities, and caught up with an old crew member, and had some free food:-)
The next day I had a wander around town, and saw they had a sewer tour, but it was fully booked for the day. Later on I met up with the new crew, and on our first night out we discover that the red light district was right next to where the boat was moored. It was quite bizarre as it had a urinal in the middle. We found a great pub, which had really cheap beer, and a huge variety of glasses, some of them came out of the freezer and had frost on them. Two of the crew, Helen and Nessa got completely drunk on a bottle of wine and three of us had to walk them back to the boat. To the bemusement of the passerbys.
The rest of the sailing was great fun, climbing the riggings, eating lots of really good food, swinging in a hammock. The first night was quite exciting as for our first four hour nigth shift(12-4), only two of us were allowed to helm, and it was quite tough going.
It was quite interesting, as I felt it wasn't as much of a holiday when we reached the English coastline, but for the rest of the crew, they were off buying all sorts of touristy things, the biggest was a remote control car!!!. We ended up with some pirate gear, some green hair spray, and some soothers!
The night night was good fun, and had a night out on the town, and were given lots of free Guiness gear from one pub.


The 1000+ mile ride was great fun, and managed to some sight seeing, and three nights of jive in as well. My crank on my bike pretty much broke on the last 16miles back from JoG to Wick, grrrr, and still have to fix it, the full diary of the trip will appear once, I manage how to Infrared the files of a Psion 5mx, as I've had no luck as yet. The worst place I slept was a field, the best was at Sinead and Richard's in a proper bed. I didn't get a single puncture, which was great, but did mean the two inner tubes were just extra weight. I managed to trap a nerve quite early on and have a funny bit of numbness in my fingers on three of my fingers on my right hand still!!!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The route

The route I'm starting off as a basic route is the one in Bike Britain by Paul Salter.
Land's End to St. Agnes
St Agnes to Camelford
Camelford to Okehampton
Okehampton to Wellington
Wellington to Bath
Bath to Newent
Newent to Tenbury Wells
Tenbury Wells to Shrewsbury
Shrewsbury to Chester
Chester to Croston
Croston to Tewitfield
Tewitfield to Ullswater
Ullwater to Dumfires
Dumfires to Dalmellington
Dalmellington to Neilston
Neilston to Ardlui
Ardlui to Fort William
Fort William to Lewiston
Lewiston to Tain
Tain to Berriedale
Berriedale to John O'Groats