Thursday, July 20, 2006

Itchy feet

Settling back into normal life was very wierd; trying to find a routine to life, and not having lots of new places to go and explore everyday.
It's very exciting I have a place for next year on a one year PGCE Chemistry course, teacher training if you didn't know, at Cambridge University for 11-18 year olds. They start off with a nice gentle introduction, I'll be spending a week in a primary school observing. Now for preparation I have to write an essay on Children and their learning, but I've also been talking to a few NQTs and been reading book with great titles such as 'Getting the buggers to behave', and my favourite titled book was 'How to teach with a hangover', however I wasn't that impressed by that books contents.
I don't think the travel bug has gone, and I have a very exciting few weeks coming up, I'm off to Sweden on Saturday for a week for a wedding, and I even get to do a really cool reading from the "The Velveteen Rabbit" by Margery Williams.with the basic thing, you have a teddy when you're a child and love it to bits, and even when it's fallen appart and has no arms, it's threadbare, and it's lost its eyes you still love it, and that's like getting old with a person you love.
After a day back from Sweden I'm off after a day to Lands End to start the ultimate British cycle ride, to John O'Groats. Taking two weeks and then back to London on the 18th( the train ride is over 14hours!!!!), a day in London before heading off to Antwerp to sail on the Asgard II back to Falmouth. And then 2 weeks to starting observation in a school on the 11th of September.
If anyone would like to sponsor me on my cycle ride it would be great, the link is
Then select :Kids Enjoy Exercise Now [KEEN]
You can read about this brilliant charity based in Oxford, and which I was involved with during my time there and how your money will be used at

The only other thing is there's a room to rent in Streatham if anyone is interested?


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